34,99 / month and a 149,00 sign-up fee

Import best Italian fashion products from a B2B commerce based on Rewix platform into your Magento 2 store and share them on multiple channel.

Try it on your Magento 2 Store

  1. To start selling register a dropshipment plan on your supplier website
  2. Request a valid API Key. You can find your API key under “My subscriptions” in your profile next to the word “Roles”.
  3. Buy this plugin and contact our customer support providing information required about your Magento 2 site. In this way your account on Magento 2 app will be enabled and you will be provided with the login credentials to the app.
  4. Setup this plugin following a simple wizard, if your status panel is OK and everything is configured in the proper way, you can start selling your products.


Use Magento 2 RewixSync to create product listings and upload them to your Magento store. With Magento 2 RewixSync you can publish unlimited products on your Magento 2 store and all available channels.
You spent a lot of time and effort into creating your Magento2 store. If you want to sell more products, why spend other time? Import quickly products into your store and start selling.

Product Description and Benefits

With Magento2 RewixSync you will be able to:

  • Easily import products with images and descriptions directly into your store from every Rewix based B2B ecommerce
  • Dropship orders from your customers directly to their address
  • Know that your inventory and prices are always up to date
  • Start selling your products without any inventory and share them on your Magento channels
  • Earn money from your sales and forget about any other issue


Use Magento 2 RewixSync to create product listings and upload them to your Magento store and many other websites simultaneously, in just seconds. Magento2 RewixSync manages product variants such as size, color, material, etc. With Magento 2 RewixSync you can publish unlimited products on Magento and all available channels.

– Inventory and Price Auto-Updates

Magento 2 RewixSync constantly updates your product price and stock levels, so you never sell a product that’s out of stock or above your retail price.

– Product Customization

Edit your products as you wish: change titles, descriptions, images, anything!

– Pricing Automations

Create pricing rules, and price your products in bulk.

– Filter Products

With the our filter, import only the products more in target with your audience.

– Connect Existing Products

Find and connect products you’re already selling on your store.


Magento2 store – (version 2.3.5)
B2B Supplier Account – depends on Supplier
B2B Supplier dropshipping APIKey – depends on Supplier


In Magento 2 RewixSync plugin you can find a complete tutorial.